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Say Hello to Miss Ruby!

We are delighted to share the wonderful news that Miss Ruby is joining our team as one of our ballet teachers. So, for anyone who takes ballet classes with us on a Saturday, this means she will now be your permanent teacher - you lucky bunch!

For those of you who have been with us at The Brenda Key School of Dance for a while, you will know that Miss Ruby needs little introduction! However, we thought that, as she steps into this new role, it was a wonderful opportunity for you all to get to know her a little better and hear about her journey with us at BKSOD in her own words.

Over to Miss Ruby, who kindly answered some questions for us:


Tell us a bit about your history with the BKSOD.

I started dancing at Brenda Key aged 3, learning Ballet, Tap and Modern Dance. At age 13 I began assisting the little ones on a Saturday morning, before my own classes, and absolutely loved it! I continued learning the ropes, assisting different teachers throughout the week, alongside working towards my grades and helping out at the exam days. I have also been given great opportunities with RAD and ISTD to participate in competitions and Inspire Days, and am very grateful to now be able to pass on my knowledge.

What do you love about teaching dance?

I love that I am able to inspire the next generation of movers. Dance has always been extremely important to me for both my physical and mental health, and knowing that I can excite and motivate younger students to enjoy the benefits of learning exercises and becoming the best they can be, excites me!

Do you have a favourite dance from one of the Grades that you’re especially excited to teach?

My favorite dance has to be The Dressing Up Dance from Primary! I absolutely love the expression and character that can be bought out of the younger students. Whilst ballet is technically difficult, i find it is equally important to focus on the performance element of each dance and this is the perfect example to teach!

Do you have any top tips for young dancers?

Practice makes perfect! I always found doing two minutes of rises whilst brushing my teeth was a great way to get started. Practice those high knees and sharp toed skips on the way to school, and pull some funny faces in the mirror to practice for your dance- it will always be worth it!

What are you looking forward to most about teaching at BKSOD?

I am looking forward to getting to know my students and finding out the best way for them to get the most of their ballet lessons. I want everyone to be excited to come to ballet and put in the hard work… and hopefully get some amazing results!


We bet you can't wait for 2024 now! See you all soon.




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